Thursday, 5 December 2013

7 Rookie Blunders behind PPC Campaign Failure

No doubt, PPC is a powerful way to expand the list of clientele, but alas, due to certain puerile gaffes the results get altered. To avoid making the blunders, learn from them. Below is a list of few mistakes that are commonly done, mostly by beginners, go through them and make sure that you do not repeat these:

•    Failing to Implement Geographical Targeting
Geographical targeting is tremendously important and you cannot afford to skip it. Instead of wasting the resources on targeting the areas which have higher possibility of maximum ROI, work upon the areas, where your products/services would be actually demanded (specially the local area).

•    Unable to identify existing match types

this type of mistake is most commonly seen in the fresher & newbies. To understand the power of keyword match type is very important. Suppose for example, ‘PPC services’ is your keyword. Now, have a look at its different match types:
  •     Exact Match: In exact match, only ads are shown when exact ‘PPC services’ is queried.
  •    Phrase Match: In phrase match, the ads having any word or phrase around it like ‘PPC service’ or ‘PPC services Arizona’ is queried.
  •     Broad Match: Broad match is a wider concept, which shows the ads with various variations as well, such as ‘I need guidance for starting PPC campaign’ or any other.
The bid price of the keywords for these matches also varies from each other.

•    Avoiding the benefit of negative keyword:

Negative keywords can be of great benefit to the PPC ad. Let’s take an example to understand this. Suppose, your keyword is ‘pay per click company’; now, if you’ll add affordable or cheap pay per click company with it, then it would be of benefit to you. These are resource draining keywords and can prevent the ad from displaying when unattractive modifiers accompany your broad and match phrase terms.

•    Selection of broad keywords:

Are you targeting upon too broad keyword? Broad keywords are a Big No for PPC ads. If you’ll bid on broad keywords, then it would mean you are directly steeping into the mid of deep competition which have higher chances of saturation, expensive costs, low match, and negative ROI.

•    Failing to test ad:
By testing the ad, it gets easy to identify the loopholes and find out ways to improve the performance. You can easily identify the words, phrases, and propositions, which the target audience find more appealing, and then you can accordingly make changes in the campaign.
While testing the results, do not just focus upon CTR, but also on ROI. Higher click through rates does not mean that your ad is doing good, only an ROI can well explain that.

•    Directing the user to homepage through PPC ad
Do not lead your users to the homepage with your PPC ad. This is a biggest blunder that is committed by the internet marketers. You must conduct thorough research & identify what is important for user and what are they looking for; and accordingly you have to direct them there.

•    Failing to track the conversion rate
There could be no better blunder than this. This is the least one. If you are working on PPC campaign, then make sure that the conversion rate is tested on every level. You can understand the financial returns from the campaign.

The blunders are here, now you have to ensure that you do not repeat them and make your PPC campaign a failure.

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